Grimsby & North East Lincolnshire

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

AGM - New Committee Welcome speech from the Chair.

Sunday 17 March 2024

I Write this short speech [Do not worry] in the hope that the motion was carried, and that the future of our branch is looking much rosier.

I would like to thank Katie, and in particular Brian for their/his hard work in producing a plan which in effect could be called a rescue plan.

I would also like to send a special thank you to Anna, Brian, David, Graham, Katie & Matt for volunteering and accepting the responsibilities, I for one am very appreciative of this.

You’ll have noticed during my considerable talks tonight that I didn’t actually use the phrase , sometimes this is a thankless task and you don’t feel appreciated, several people have thanked me in the last couple of months and I also received a nice letter a lovely book and a couple of bottles of nice beer from one of the members, it is moments like that, that you do think people appreciate you.

So onwards to a new era in our branch, we have lots to do,

an updated Constitution, a new accounts system online with CAMRA, [COBAS] to sort out online banking for branches and to change bank accounts so payments can be made directly into our account.

Meet the Brewer nights.

A drive to promote the Branch membership, with a roller banner at events, an upcoming rebranding of the CAMRA logo I believe,

POTY presentations, Barrowhill coach and to ensure handovers to the new positions are as thorough as they should be, Oh and who knows with the right support maybe a Beer festival to look forward to in 2025.

Many thanks Kevin