Grimsby & North East Lincolnshire

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

AGM - Notes from the Chair

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Welcome to my second speech since I volunteered to become Chair of this Branch. I'd like to firstly explain a couple of important points which I feel the membership should know.

I took on this position as no one else volunteered to do so, I was mindful of keeping this branch running as 2 of the neighbouring branches were struggling and I knew if no one took the reins so to say, then the future would be a bleak one. I had only been a CAMRA member for a couple of years and despite being new, I was willing and eager to do my best and would hopefully be supported in this role.

Secondly this last year has been a considerable strain on my life, and I do not say this lightly, in March I was suddenly out of work, and at my time of life this was a real struggle, I then decided to go on my own but needed 4 to 5 clients' to achieve this, I only had one, so much work was needed, the one client also was the subject of a public inquiry and a shed load of work was needed to get this right, coincidentally the same week the information had to be submitted for our festival and this also took a lot of my time, thus many a night I was working till past midnight to get this done. As well as organising 95% of the festival [Including, Banners, Flyers, Beer Mats and a programme of the events] , sponsorship was needed, after hard work 30 odd were onboard , however it didn’t end there, they all needed to be invoiced, chased for payment and as we had no festival bank account as such, I had to manage payments in and out through an account which is used for my tax expenditure. Insurance certificates and risk assessments were completed the night before the festival,

I honestly did feel let down, add to this not only my normal CAMRA commitments, but also importantly ensuring other roles were fully functional and this together with my work situation, did take it’s strain and after several failed attempts to receive support you can probably understand why I took the decision to resign [but also giving 6 months’ notice to try and come up with something]

When announcing my resignation the comments that the Branch would fold without me wasn't as complimentary as it may have seemed, I have always said I am one of 400 odd people in the Branch and therefore to rely entirely on myself is a sad indictment on where both the Branch and myself, where myself being that if I take something on I certainly try and do it to the best of my ability and are committed 100%.

Why Am I telling you all this?

Well to put the record straight, a few have commented on what they felt was a negative post in the last edition of the magazine, you should now be able to understand two things from this, firstly how I felt at the time and secondly that it was a final call for help.

moving onwards and certainly more postively, I am pleased to say, at the extremely late stage it looks like this has resonated with some members and a saving package has been presented [more details to follow later] and who knows I might be writing a more positive speech for the AGM In 2025. Only you the members can decide this.

Aside from this there have been many positive points in my short tenure as Chair, I say short, but the last 2 years has seemed longer and of course it's nothing compared to the 10 years Dawn committed to keeping the Branch running, whatever your thoughts, I know how much I appreciate her for that, and you should too.

So what have we achieved:

Regularly monthly meetings from what was an average of 6 people, to now over 20. Also including other pubs on the rota.

Return of the Beer festival

A Talk from Victoria Ellis-Vowles at the Number 1 pub, [Senior Lecturer at Lincoln International Business school] on the history of pubs and Ales.

Coach trips to York, Barrowhill, Newark, Gainsborough, Branch Country pubs, Brigg

Two wonderful Christmas Parties, one a short trip to Batemans brewery including a brewery tour and quiz and the latest being at the Yarborough a couple of months or so ago.

Meet the brewer nights [Timothy Taylor x2 Gorilla] with a further 4 nights at least coming soon.

Special event nights such as several with the Yarborough Hotel including beer festival invites before the event opening, a special thanks to Dani, Michael and the team whom I like to think we [as the Branch] have a special relationship with.

An updated website, FB , Linked in page and twitter, all taking the Branch into the modern era of Communication, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Brian, Stan and myself for their efforts in this.

Up to date whatpub reporting in terms of amendments done almost Immediately, thanks to Brian and Katie.

Regular editions of ITD Magazine

The return of our Beer Festival, which unfortunately the weather was a real dampener, but it was my first experience in this and Like to think we did a lot of things right and professionally too, my lasting memory of this will always be the support and camaraderie amongst our members during the festival itself and for this I'd like to say a special thank you to all those concerned. You know who you are!

In conclusion, I am hoping that after tonight I would like to think the Branch will be on a much firmer footing and moving forward more positively,

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the members that have volunteered positions during the last couple of years and have now stepped down or moved onto other positions [the latter depending on the outcome of voting later] these People are, Mark Long, Andy Hamilton, Martin Clausen, Brian Calladine, Mike Stannard and John Edwards,

also, thanks go to the people that are staying on, Graham and Katie

Let us raise your glasses and drink to the future of the Grimsby & NEL CAMRA Branch

Thank you for listening and hopefully understanding, Kevin.